Diz-me onde andas
You are a social liberal. Like all liberals, you believe in individual freedom as a central objective - but you believe that lack of economic opportunity, education, healthcare etc. can be just as damaging to liberty as can an oppressive state. As a result, social liberals are generally the most outspoken defenders of human rights and civil liberties, and combine this with support for a mixed economy, with an enabling state providing public services to ensure that people's social rights as well as their civil liberties are upheld.
You are a social democrat. Like other socialists, you believe in a more economically equal society - but you have jettisoned any belief in the idea of the planned economy. You believe in a mixed economy, where the state provides certain key services and where the productivity of the market is harnessed for the good of society as a whole. Many social democrats are hard to distinguish from social liberals, and they share a tolerant social outlook.
Apesar de uma certa rigidez, com perguntas que não deixam grande margem de manobra ("gostas mais do papá ou da mamã?"), e de testes como este valerem o que valem, não tenho grande dificuldade em encaixar-me nestas definições. Liberal clássico e social-democrata. Obviamente, estou mal representado neste país.
Etiquetas: Política
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